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ash rate中文是什么意思

用"ash rate"造句"ash rate"怎么读"ash rate" in a sentence


  • 灰分比


  • The highly active microwave plasma is able to remove hardened resist and guarantees for highest ash rates and damage - free processing
  • By texting the erosion of the hot - state of the ash after burning the mixed coal of shenmu coal and datong coal in the 4 proportions of 1 : 0 , 3 : 1 , 2 : 1 , 2 : 2 , it is found that the relation of ash rate to erosion rate is nonlinear , that is , the erosion rate does not increase with the increase of the proportion of the higher ash rate coal
    对神木煤与优大同煤两个煤种的4种配煤比例(神木:大同, 1 : 0 , 3 : 1 , 2 : 1 , 2 : 2 )燃烧后所得灰样进行热态冲刷磨损试验,发现配煤中含灰量与磨损量呈非线性关系,即含灰量较大的煤掺入比例增加时,磨损量并不会相应增加。
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